At the 14th Munich agency summit in the IHK Akademie, everything revolved around the topic “B2B communication: from interested parties to regular customers”. Visitors learned how they can make their B2B communication more exciting and effective. In workshops, topics such as storytelling with Petra Sammer (Ketchum Pleon) or Big Data with Philipp von der Brüggen (leadtributor GmbH) were jointly developed. brain script managing director Dr. Nikolai A. Behr led the workshop ” Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality”. After a short introduction, the production process and important features of a 360° video postproduction were explained. Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to experience various 360° videos and VR experiences.

In the so-called “couch talk”, moderated by Leif Pellikan (w&v), the results of the individual workshops were compiled and discussed.
Event tip: If you are interested in VR/AR and 360° videos, you should make a note of March 06, 2017. The Trend Day- Corporate Video will take place at the University of Television and Film – HFF Munich! Under the motto “VR / AR & 360° Video – Straw fire or success factor?” experts, producers and decision makers will meet to exchange information about the latest trends and developments. Tickets and further information at